This page holds various collections of concept art, promotional materials, and game textures for Ekko. Attempts are made to get the highest quality, closest-to-source materials possible. In most cases, this ends up being the original creator’s ArtStation. This means the quality will be much higher than on Twitter and etc.
The general criteria for inclusion is “did Riot pay for it?”
If you have a higher quality version of a file seen here, you should send it to me.
These collections are not complete and will be added to frequently. Image names and classifications may change, as classifying these is inexact and there’s no one true correct way to do it.
Exploratory and development art for Ekko, late 2014 to early 2015. The collage at the top of this page is currently used as a “map” to figure out what I still need to fetch.
This is an artbook that Riot released, and also made a web version of. I just hit Ekko’s page with wget. Riot has a documented history of having trouble hosting things for very long, you see.
Splashes used for the client and to represent the game in media or third-party services, such as
Splashes used in promotional material for League of Legends: Wild Rift
Cards and card art from Legends of Runeterra that feature Ekko.
The “complete” art for certain cards from the set Ekko is featured in. I’m not certain if LoR is considered canon, but the design is correct.
These currently are from the game CDN and not (yet) the artists’ portfolios.